We have a shed!

Welcome to Men in Sheds in Barton
What is "Men in Shed's" about, and why join us?
We are a registered charity, and we welcome support from national and local companies as well as individuals. Please click on the donate button to find out how you can help us.
Come Visit
Tues. and Thurs. : 9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Please note: Tuesdays and Thursday membership is now full due to the maximum number that we can accept in the workshop.
We are starting a waiting list with the view of opening on a Friday when numbers are sufficient.
The Hub,
Maltby Lane,
Barton upon Humber
North Lincs
DN18 5PY
United Kingdom

Please do not subscribe if your intention is to promote your web services.

Barton shed development funded by the National Lottery Community Fund

Member of UK Men’s Sheds Association https://menssheds.org.uk/

Barton shed development supported by Humber & Wolds Rural Action