Hi Shedders!
Booking Sessions
Members Shed Sessions
Members can attend for workshop sessions on one day per week, either Tuesday or Thursday at the moment. However, if members want to pop in in the other day for tea and a chat they are of course welcome.
Please note that due to safe working practices, the number of attendees for each session using machinery or equipment, will be limited to 8 members.
Currently the two lathes we have are in great demand. As a result we are establishing a booking system for them.
Each 3 hour session has been subdivided into three, so we would ask that you initially only book a lathe for 1 hour.
If you do not specifically require the large lathe, please book the small one first.
If no one is booked in and you have used a lathe, please bear in mind there may be others who want to learn, so give them the opportunity before extending your use.
Members only wishing to attend for refreshments or a 'natter' are always welcome!